Yoga Poses for Kids: Benefits & Step-By-Step Guides
Jun 16, 2022
Learn about all the benefits that yoga can bring into your family’s life! Here, we outline eight easy yoga poses for kids, how to do them at home, and all the wonderful benefits they have.
June 21st is the International Day of Yoga. To celebrate, we sat down with yoga expert Michelle Faber, Founder and CEO of Little Yogis Academy, who taught us a variety of yoga poses for kids that are so easy you can do them together at home!
The Benefits of Yoga for Kids
Yoga is a non-competitive way to get active and introduce movement into your daily routine. It’s a great way to teach kids that every body is unique, that different bodies can do different things, and that all abilities should be celebrated.
Michelle explains, “all of the benefits that yoga brings adults are amplified for children, which is why it’s important to introduce yoga to children during these impressionable years. Yoga encourages an acceptance of oneself that comforts them during times of self-doubt. It encourages mindfulness that creates a positive outlook, increases confidence, and builds resilience tools that children can use their entire lives.” She adds, “yoga also ties in nicely to other aspects of healthy living, including exercise, nutrition, and overall well-being.”
Enjoy all the benefits yoga has to offer with these eight easy yoga poses for kids!
Easy Yoga Poses for Kids
1. Child’s pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Begin on your knees, and sit on your heels. Outstretch your arms and bring your forehead to the floor. Breathe in and out through your nose.
Benefits: Child’s pose gently stretches your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles.
2. Cat pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Begin on your hands and knees in a table position. Tuck your chin and arch your back like a Halloween cat. Inhale through your nose and on your exhales say “Meowwww!”
Benefits: Cat pose gently massages the spine, increasing mobility. Stretches the back and neck.
3. Cow pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Begin on your hands and knees in a table position, drop your belly, relax your spine, look up to the sky and say “Mooooooo!”
Benefits: This simple pose powers up your brain and improves focus, coordination, and mental stability.
4. Upward Dog pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Lie on your stomach. Place the palms of your hands next to your shoulders and look up. Slowly straighten your arms and open your chest. It is okay to keep arms bent as well. Look forward, or if you can look up to the sky!
Benefits: Upward Dog strengthens the wrists, arms, and back and opens the chest.
5. Downward Dog pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Begin on all fours in a table position. Spread your fingers and press your palms flat onto the ground. Straighten your legs, and make an upside-down v shape. Relax your head and neck and look between your legs. Can you lift one foot off the ground and show us your doggy tail?
Benefits: Downward Dog stretches and helps to relieve tension from the neck and back. Improves blood flow.
6. Boat pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Balance on your bottom, and lift your straightened legs in front of you. Keep a tall pine, tighten your belly and lift your arms up.
Benefits: Boat poseopens the chest and engages the muscles in your core while also strengthening the hip flexors and adductor muscles.
7. Mountain pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Roll your shoulders back and down and stand up straight. Have your arms by your sides and palms facing forward. Be tall like a mountain! The children love when I try to blow them over to see how strong they are.
Benefits: Mountain pose improves your posture and body awareness, strengthens your legs, and establishes good alignment.
8. Tree pose:
Image provided by Michelle Faber
Stand up straight and tall like a mountain. Look on the ground and find a spot that is not moving to focus on. Place your hands at heart center. Slowly bend your knee and place your foot on the inside of your other leg. Then you can raise your branches up in the air.
Benefits: Tree pose improves balance, strengthens your core, and stretches your feet.
What’s your favourite yoga pose to do with your kids? Visit the Little Yogi Academy blog to learn more about the many benefits of yoga for you and your family.
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