Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 14
STEAM Activity: Treasure Map This is a STEAM activity that siblings can work on together. Encourage your children to think of a special object to hide. T

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 12
STEAM Activity: Magic Potion Kit Challenge your child to create their own “Magic Potion” kit. What materials could they gather from around your home? Wha

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 11
STEAM Activity: Cardboard Treehouse Gather sheets of cardboard, paper towel tubes, tape, glue, string, and any other recyclable materials you may have acce

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 10
STEAM Activity: Make it Move The goal of this activity is to race matchbox cars across a table without touching them! Provide your children with a basket

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 9
STEAM Activity: Rain Gauge Gather a 2-litre plastic bottle, sand, scissors, duct tape and a sharpie marker. Cut the spout off your bottle and set aside.

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 8
STEAM Activity: Balance Scale Create your own balance scale using a clothes hanger, two paper or plastic cups, a hole puncher or large pin, and string! Lo

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 7
STEAM Activity: DIY Sailboat Encourage your child to design a sailboat using materials from around your home. Wrap elastics bands around 3 corks, insert a

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 6
STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Recycled Bird Feeder Mobile Find a stick outside with at least 3 branches extending from it

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 5
STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Twirling Twig Mobiles Learn about gravity, tension and compression as you develop engineerin

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 4
STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Chain Reaction Use Legos, blocks, recyclables, books and anything else that you can think of

Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 3
STEAM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics Try for a total of 10 card game Materials: Playing cards. Lay out 20 cards on the table (lea

Learning at Home OSC Kidzone Week 1
Physical Literacy The Crunch Challenge! Create a baseline by counting how many crunches you can do in 60 seconds. Every day try to increase the number of c