Learning at Home Montessori Week 10

Learning at Home Montessori Week 10

Practical Life A Rainbow Necklace Practical Life skills are extremely important to develop. They help your child grow into a strong, independent person. Th

May 21, 2020 4 min
Learning at Montessori Week 9

Learning at Montessori Week 9

Practical Life A Clear View Together with your child, gather the tools you need to clean your windows. A bucket of warm soapy water, a cloth/sponge for was

May 15, 2020 3 min
Learning at Montessori Week 8

Learning at Montessori Week 8

Practical Life Colander And Pipe Cleaners This is a fun and quite simple activity. Have your child thread pipe cleaners through the holes in a colander. Th

May 10, 2020 2 min
Learning at Montessori Week 7

Learning at Montessori Week 7

Practical Life Grinding Eggshells: Egg shells are great fertilizer. Show your child how to grind them with a mortar and pestle and sprinkle them in potted

Apr 29, 2020 2 min
Learning at Home Montessori Week 6

Learning at Home Montessori Week 6

Montessori Tip for Parents: Praising your child's hard work, rather than their results, helps instil a growth mindset where they believe they can improve t

Apr 22, 2020 3 min
Learning at Home Montessori Week 5

Learning at Home Montessori Week 5

Practical Life Making Clove Apples or Oranges Provide your child with a small tray with a bowl of whole cloves and an apple or orange to poke them into. Th

Apr 14, 2020 2 min
Learning at Home Montessori Week 4

Learning at Home Montessori Week 4

Practical Life Planting and growing potatoes is easy and fun. A bucket or pail is all you need, with a couple of drainage holes in the bottom. Take some po

Apr 9, 2020 2 min
Learning at Home Montessori Week 3

Learning at Home Montessori Week 3

Practical Life Giving children specific tasks or responsibilities can make them feel very important. Preparing a snack for the family, helping load or unlo

Apr 3, 2020 2 min
Learning at Home Montessori Week 1

Learning at Home Montessori Week 1

Practical Life Get your child involved with baking something the whole family can share. This helps them to feel they are contributing and helping their fa

Apr 2, 2020 2 min
Learning at Home Montessori Week 2

Learning at Home Montessori Week 2

Practical Life Children love to clean! Give them a cloth or sponge and give them some furniture to wash or polish. Table scrubbing is one of the most impor

Apr 1, 2020 2 min