Learning at Home Toddler Week 14
Social-Emotional Development Piggy Sandwiches Offer your child a rice cake or large round cracker. Mix a small amount of cherry juice or red food colouring
Speech & Language June 22nd - June 26th
Rhyming Puzzle Purpose: Identifying and making rhymes is an important part of phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is a set of skills that demonstrates u
Dance Week 13
Music Lesson Week 12
Speech & Language June 15th - June 19th
I Spy – ‘S Blends’ Purpose: This game is designed to target s-blends. S-blends are words that have ‘s’ and another consonant together (e.g. ‘star’, ‘skunk’
Occupational Therapy June 22nd - June 26th
Pre-Printing: Getting Ready to Write Start with Simple Lines & Shapes Learning how to make lines, curves and circles is the first step to learning to print
Psychology Support June 15th - June 19th
Social and Emotional Development Help. Teaching your child to ask for “help” is an important skill. Parents may think that asking for help is something t
Farm Animal Sensory Bin
Enhanced Math & Literacy June 15th - June 19th
Literacy: Story of the week: Silly Sally by Audrey Woods https://youtu.be/6_VosU2oLgY Download a printable activity to retell the story here. Download a fi
Learning at Home OSC KidZone Week 14
STEAM Activity: Treasure Map This is a STEAM activity that siblings can work on together. Encourage your children to think of a special object to hide. T
Additional Resources Week 13
https://adventuresinfamilyhood.com/20-virtual-field-trips-to-take-with-your-kids.html - Here is another virtual field trip site to check out. You will fin
Learning at Home Preschool Week 13
Social-Emotional Development Calming Strategy - Dog Panting Demonstrate panting like a dog. Encourage your child to pant like a dog with you. Explain that