About BrightPath Mississauga Centres
Come visit one of our BrightPath Misssissauga Child care Centres near you and see how we provide the best intellectual, social and physical child development programs, while we focus on safe environments where children can explore and learn in the care of the most capable and nurturing staff. The programs provided by our early childhood educators encourage independence and foster a love of knowledge in children.
We recognize children are Competent, Capable, Curious and Rich in Potential. Our Mississauga child care centres support the unique individuals that they are and our child care environments allow children to discover new concepts, mysteries and new possibilities. Drop by one of our Mississauga child care centres near you and take tour of our facilities!
Affordable Child Care Benefit
These centres are participating in the Affordable Child Care Benefit program. Click to learn more about our other options for subsidy and how to apply.

Dixie Centre

Eglinton Centre

Matheson East Centre

Matheson West Centre

Meadowvale Centre

Milverton Centre

Traders Centre