Located in the heart of Waterdown, BrightPath Waterdown is located right off Hamilton Street North between Rockhaven Lane and White Oak Drive, kitty-corner from Waterdown Memorial Park. Their private parking lot ensures ample parking for parents and key card access to the building provides a safe environment for the children.
Centre Information
- Address: 89 Hamilton St N Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
- Hours: 7:00am - 6:00pm
- Phone Number: 888.808.2252
- Email: waterdown@brightpathkids.com
- Status: Licensed
- Licensed Capacity: 83
Centre Programs
Centre Director
Nicole Hayes graduated with a Diploma in Early Childhood Education from Sheridan College in 1997 and has been working in child care ever since. She joined the BrightPath team in September 2001 as a kindergarten educator, and over the years, has had the opportunity to work at several of our BrightPath locations and is now the Centre Director BrightPath Waterdown.
Centre Offerings
What our families think about BrightPath Waterdown
We’d love for you to join our family at BrightPath Waterdown
Affordable Child Care Benefit
These centres are participating in the Affordable Child Care Benefit program. Click to learn more about our other options for subsidy and how to apply.
Book a Tour
Zoom Tours:
If you are scheduling a zoom tour, our team will reach out prior to your time to provide you with the Zoom meeting link.