
Where Learning And Fun Go Hand-in-Hand

At BrightPath Academy, we will be offering Yoga, French, Music and a Green Program/Gardening.

When it comes to early childhood education, we believe in a holistic approach to development which finely balances the physical, psychological, social and emotional aspects of a child’s well-being.

Our rich inter-curricular program is a wonderful compliment to your child’s diversification and growth. Not only is it inclusive within your tuition fees, but it changes frequently throughout the year in order to promote variety, mirror the interests of your child and establish a love of arts and fitness within a variety of disciplines.


Our music program is a process-oriented, age-appropriate, sequenced approach to teaching music. It is founded on developmental and music therapy research and aims to give children an opportunity to work on important social and communication skills as well as develop musical capabilities such as singing on pitch and moving in rhythm.

Songs, instruments and props are presented in a developmentally appropriate way and the children are encouraged to explore and experiment without the pressure of performing to a certain standard. The program provides a wide variety of musical styles and rhythms, instruments and songs from an array of cultures as well as familiar, popular songs to provide a strong basis for a continuing love of music.



Our yoga program was especially designed to fit into our preschool curriculum . Starting yoga at a young age helps children bridge the important connection between physical and mental health that will aid as integral stepping stones to better manage stress, practice conscious breathing techniques, and develop a full physical range of motion later into their childhood years and even adulthood.

By implementing yoga for 15-20 minutes once per week, children will gain confidence in movement, critical concentration skills, and will develop their own sense of well-being. Increasing flexibility, core strength and balance are all incredible additional benefits to this practice.


Green Program ( Gardening )

Bio diversity and sustainability (BP Green Program) is incorporated into our daily planning.

The Green Program is designed to develop a deep connection with the natural world. It focuses on the importance of sharing the planet, fostering environmental stewardship and offers rich sensory stimulation.



Multilingualism can be hugely beneficial in a child’s development. Our curriculum includes weekly French instruction through songs, games, stories and more. Our French instructor provides engaging and age-appropriate content to familiarise children with French and introduce them to the basic concepts and structure of the language.


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