FAQs & Resources
Centre & General Information
What are your hours of operation?
Our hours of operation vary per centre. To see the hours of operation in the centre you're interested in, please search for that location and look through their profile page.
Are you open year-round?
Yes, we are open the whole year through excluding weekends and statutory holidays.
Do you have a summer program?
Yes, we run a year-round program and also offer summer programs during the months of July and August for school-aged children in those centres that have out of school care programs. Anyone can participate in our summer programming and your child does not need to be a current student to register. Contact your chosen centre directly to get pricing and details.
I don't see fees posted on your website. How much does it cost?
Our fees vary by centre and age due to a variety of reasons. Our fees are accessible through our Centre Directors, by inquiring online or via phone call to the centre of your choice.
Do you allow and accommodate for part-time care?
BrightPath realizes that schedules can vary by household and the need for full time childcare doesn't exist in all circumstances. We do offer part time care for our families on a 2 or 3 (and sometimes 4) days a week basis in order to accommodate those circumstances. Please inquire directly with your centre of choice regarding availability of part-time care.
Do you allow and accommodate for half-day care?
Our programs (and fees) are all offered as fulltime care. As families live on different schedules with different needs, children may come and go during operating hours as needed.
What happens if the centre I'm interested in is full?
Occupancy is maintained at the Centre level and the Director may tell you that they are currently full. You have the option to be put on our waitlist for the next available opening if you choose. Based on availability, you may also be able to attend another centre while you wait for a spot to open at your chosen one.
How does the waitlist work?
When a spot opens up, the Centre Director will consult the waitlist for the next child in line to fill the vacancy of the age category needed. For instance, if an infant ages up into the toddler room, a vacancy is created in the infant room. We would consult the waitlist to see who the next available infant is on the list. That parent or guardian would receive the first right to fill the vacancy. If they choose to, their child would be enrolled into our centre and the waitlist would decrease by a family. If that family declines the opportunity, they will be asked whether or not they want to continue to be waitlisted or if they would like to be removed altogether.
Why are your Centres called Learning Centres?
BrightPath used the term Learning Centres in naming our centres as we strongly believe that we are equally a child care provider as we are an educational institution. Children are provided a curriculum and development plan as soon as they are accepted as students and spend their time with us engaged in learning activities. Our preschool program is proven to help increase literacy, arithmetic and language skills. We offer a well-rounded experience for our children and help prepare them for future success in grade school.
Child Care
Does my child need to be toilet trained in order to attend your centre?
This is a very common question and the answer is no! As we take infants as young as 6 weeks old, we help our families by assisting in the process of toilet training.
Will my child nap while in your care? And if yes, what are the sleeping conditions?
To ensure consistency between home and childcare, infants follow their own individual nap schedules provided by their parents. When ready, our early childhood educators will work with parents to transition the infants to one nap time per day in readiness for their move to the toddler program.
Each child in our toddler, preschool and kindergarten programs is provided with an individual cot for their rest period of up to two hours in length and they are permitted to sleep, rest or engage in quiet activities based on their individual needs, while ensuring that sleep patterns at home are not disrupted.
What is your policy on discipline and time outs?
We use passive discipline which means no staff at BrightPath is to ever use physical force to implement discipline onto a child. We explain right behaviour versus wrong behaviour through showcasing the positive and negative effects of their actions. We also do not implement the use of time outs and we will work together with our families to find alternative forms of reinforcing positive behaviour. For further clarification in these matters, please consult the Centre Director of the learning centre of your choice.
Do your centres offer transportation for my child to and from school?
Many of our learning centres offer before and after school care for children up to the age of 12. At many of these centres, transportation is offered for those children in the form of vehicle transportation (bus, van, etc.). For schools within walking distance, BrightPath staff will walk the children to and from school.
Are meals provided in your centres and is the food nutritious?
Nutrition is one of the cornerstone values of what BrightPath offers our children and their families. The majority of our centres offer a full meal plan including snacks and a hot lunch. A small number of centres may not be equipped to have the full meal program, however, will provide a morning and afternoon snack. To see the food offering in the centre you're interested in, please search for that location and look through their profile page.
Our menu has been certified by a Registered Dietician and boasts meals made in-house, from scratch and prepared daily. Please consult our nutrition page to learn more or to view a sample menu.
Is your facility nut free?
Yes. We neither use nuts in our meal preparation or allow children to bring snacks containing nuts into our centres. This is inclusive of all tree nuts as well.
Can you accommodate my child's allergies?
Yes, we can. We can work within the menu and nutritional guidelines to come to an alternative meal plan to allow your child to still eat - and eat healthy - while at our Centre.
Early Childhood Educators
Are your staff certified to be working with children and have they all undergone background checks?
Of course. Our staff must have all completed at least the minimum requirements mandated by the respective provincial governments in order to work in our centres. Many of our early educators have received additional training and are certified by an educational institution such as a University or College. All educators and employees are required to have a clear and current criminal reference check, including vulnerable sector screening. Furthermore, BrightPath mandates that all centre staff hold certifications in CPR and First Aid Training.
Are your staff all certified in CPR and First Aid Training?
Yes, all staff are certified in standard first aid and infant child CPR
What are the teacher to child ratios?
The classroom ratios vary by age and regulations differ from province to province. Please contact the centre you are interested in to find out the ratios in the various age groups.
Financial Aid
Do your centres offer subsidy?
Most of our centres allow for subsidy through the provincial governments. All subsidy requests must go through the province/region and not through our centres. Please check under the Parent Links for the appropriate subsidy information for your province/region.