BrightPath’s School-age Program supports the development of children's emotional, social, physical and cognitive skills by referring to the five pillars of character: Respect, Trustworthiness, Honesty, Caring, and Self-Expression. It is through the promotion of these core values that children develop skills they will utilize for their entire lives.
Our School-age Program provides children with a wide variety of both instructional and self-guided activities. Instructional activities may include outdoor games such as basketball, baseball, dodge-ball, and soccer, and indoor activities such as board games, cooking projects, and science activities. Our program focuses on inclusion in a non-competitive atmosphere with no requirements other than to try your best and have fun in the process!

Self-guided activities include comfortable spaces for reading, self-selection of activities and projects, and time to talk and share with friends.
Each of our centers provides the opportunity for homework completion with the help of our teaching staff.
School-age Programs are currently available at our Avon, Cheshire, East Hampton, Ellington, Glastonbury, Oxford, Simsbury, and Windsor-West locations.
View examples of:
School-Age Goals (pdf)