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Building Emotional Wellness: How to Support Your Family’s Well-Being

Written by Alisha Hunter | Nov 4, 2022 4:33:42 PM

Emotional wellness is crucial for a healthy and happy life. With school in full swing and the holidays quickly approaching, it’s easy to become stressed and lose sight of your well-being.

November 2nd was National Stress Awareness Day, acting as a reminder to take a step back from our busy lives to prioritize positive relationships and healthy choices. Essential tools for child development include emotional wellness, social skills, and life skills. To ensure your family is living up to its maximum potential, follow these steps to practice self-awareness and set goals for you and your family. Even the smallest goals can positively boost your mindset, leading to big changes in your life.

Here are several ways to improve your emotional well-being:

Develop a Healthy Routine

According to Northwestern Medicine, having a routine can reduce your stress and help you get better sleep, which results in a healthier lifestyle and sets a good example for your children. The benefits of a healthy routine include less stress, better sleep, and increased happiness. By having a routine, you’ll feel more in control since you’ll have time to make decisions in advance, avoiding last-minute stress. As a part of a healthy routine, keeping a consistent sleep schedule can help you become well-rested, giving you a psychological boost. Also, practicing good time management sets an excellent example for your children, as well as provides your children with a sense of safety and security. Research shows a link between family routines and children’s social skills and academic success. Routines help with coping during times of stress (e.g. a parent falling ill, or moving).

Accept Your Feelings

Many people’s initial reaction to uncomfortable feelings is to push them aside. When feelings of fear or sadness come about, you may tell yourself you don’t want to express these feelings. This can lead to finding unhealthy ways to suppress them. Rejecting your feelings ultimately makes them feel stronger and worse over time. We have emotions for a reason, so it’s important to incorporate emotional literacy skills into your life. Activities that help children develop coping skills include positive self-talk, journaling, walking, and taking deep breaths. Although emotions can feel uncomfortable at times, confronting them is an important part of the coping process. Utilize resources like talking with your friends or seeking professional help.

Set Small Goals

As a parent, you may feel like you have a lot on your plate. Balancing work, school, and personal ambitions is no easy task. It’s easy to look at the big picture and become overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done. Research shows goal setting is essential for self-motivation. Turn your focus over to small, achievable goals that will help you have a fulfilling week without becoming overwhelming. Set yourself small daily goals that can realistically be accomplished. Looking at what you need to achieve throughout the week can seem intimidating, so breaking up tasks can make them seem more attainable. Along with setting your own goals, have your child set their own to teach them how to prioritize their work and celebrate milestones.

Utilize Relaxation Techniques

Constantly being on “high alert” does more harm than good. Relaxation techniques can be a great way to increase your emotional wellness by giving you back a sense of control over your emotions. Practicing mindfulness helps children calm down, leading them to make good choices and retain information. Check in with yourself and your children throughout the day to see where you all are mentally. Mindfulness can be done by slowing down, taking a moment to yourself, or taking deep breaths. Utilizing a calming app allows you to focus on yourself, promoting self-awareness. Even a quick 10-minute meditation can help you feel decompressed and rejuvenated.

Create a Peaceful Environment

Our physical environment has a significant impact on our emotional well-being. Among the many distractions of the day, it can feel hard for your family to restore your sense of peace. Having a home that makes you feel peace and comfort can result in an improved mood and sense of well-being. Ensuring you and your children each have your own space in the house where you feel comfortable and safe is impactful on your mental state. If you work from home, it’s important to have a separate space for working and living. Consider renovating your home to have an office or spare room, so you have a place you can work comfortably and step away at the end of the day. If you’re considering an additional space, many people opt to leverage a home equity line of credit. This allows you to take just the amount you need, without adding on extra financial stress. Having a separate space to yourself gives you more options for self-care routines. You can start doing yoga or design a craft room. Whatever it may be, having a dedicated space to yourself allows you to explore more options that bring you joy.


Mental and emotional well-being are crucial to a healthy life. When people neglect their self-care, it significantly impacts all aspects of their lives. To keep your family healthy and happy, practice these emotional wellness tips to help maintain a healthy life and good relationships.

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